Do you know that light can affect your mood?
Have you ever thought about how different light levels make you feel? For instance, you tend to feel sleepy and less motivated on rainy days and happy and more energetic on bright sunny days. That is because our bodies respond to the psychological effects of lighting, and it often affects our moods. Here are four ways light can affect your mood.

- Bright light can heighten mood
We may experience both positive and negative emotions more strongly when we are exposed to bright light for a long period of time. Research has found that the people rated others as more attractive, chose spicier foods, and thought some words were more positive than others when exposed to bright light.

- Affect your appetite
Studies have found that light affects how fast we eat, how much we eat, what kinds of food we're in the mood for, and even our perception of flavor. Restaurants with softer and dimmer lighting can make you eat slower and consume less food. Researchers believe this is because softer lighting may make us less alert and more unwind, which means we're less likely to think through our food choices but more likely to eat at a laid-back pace, instead of scarfing our food down.

- Natural light equates to happiness
Catching some sunlight during the day can have a huge impact on how we feel throughout the day. One 2014 study found that people who had windows in their offices exercised more and got more sleep than those who whose offices had no windows. Researchers concluded that exposure to natural light helps our bodies stick to their natural circadian rhythms, permitting us to feel more alert and energetic.

- Color temperature
The color temperature of light in like manner enormously influences the human body. Commonly defined in Kelvin (K), the higher the shading temperature, the more splendid and cooler the light will be. Warm lights can make us feel more relaxed and content, while cooler lights can make us feel more alert, more concentrated and can increase productivity levels.